Long Island Chapter
Welcome to the Long Island Chapter webpage of the New York State Society for Clinical Social Work, Inc. The Long Island Chapter includes both Nassau and Suffolk counties.
The Long Island Chapter holds the following events: Board meetings, annual education conferences, annual brunches, and social events. Please check the events calendar for up-to-date information and/or “View the latest events from this chapter”.
Board Meetings: The Long Island Chapter Board normally meets every 6 – 7 weeks (except during the months of July and August) via zoom. Members interested in attending can find the next meeting posted on "View the latest events from this chapter".
Annual Education: On one to two months of the year, the Chapter Board meetings are followed by an educational program. CEU credits are available for most of our programs. The Chapter Board meetings, educational programs and mentorship group are open to Chapter members without charge.
Annual Brunches/Social Events: The Chapter holds an annual member brunch providing members with networking opportunity. For dates, check out “View the latest events from this chapter.
More Social Events: In June, we have our end-of-year brunch for those members who have been active in or contributed to the work of the chapter.
The Long Island Chapter has many committees. Some of these committees help carry out Chapter functions (Book Brunch Committee, Membership Committee, Program Committee, Aging Committee, Public Relations Committee, Scholarship/Education Committee and Website Committee) or connect with the larger State Society committees which address statewide issues. If you have any questions about a committee or would like to join a committee, you may contact the chairperson listed below. Also, check the Long Island Chapter Calendar for information about committee meetings and programs.
Should you have an idea for a practice committee or educational program, please tell us. The Long Island Chapter offers excellent opportunities for networking and education here on Long Island and we invite you to take advantage of these as you get to know your colleagues.
We welcome your attendance and active participation at any of our activities. Join us to learn about the Society and our Chapter.
To read the last edition of the The Clinician, click here.
Contact the Chapter
Meet our Chapter Leadership - Picture taken during Summer Member Cocktail party
Pictured above: Shiela Rindler, Catherine Faith Kappenberg, Linda Feyder, Barbara Murphy, Jannette Urciuoli, Susan Kahn, Eleanor Perlman
President: Barbara Murphy, LCSW-R [email protected]
Vice-President: Open Position
Treasurer : Eleanor Perlman, LCSW-R [email protected]
Recording Secretary: Linda Feyder, LCSW [email protected]
Member at Large: Open Position
State Level Member at Large: Susan Kahn LCSW-R, BCD [email protected]
LMSW Representative
Chapter Committees
Aging Committee We discuss issues of aging in our clients, society and ourselves, as aging therapists. Books, articles, and cases are occasionally used to generate discussion. The group is open to new members but due to the personal nature of our sharing, we would hope for commitment to the group after attending a meeting or two. We generally meet every 2 weeks on Sundays from 10 - 12. Please contact Sheila Rindler, 516 521-1410 or Helene Chin 516 205-0071 for more information or to rsvp.
Sheila Rindler, LCSW [email protected]
Book Club Committee The Book Club meets two times a year to discuss a book relevant to clinical social work practice. You may check the Long Island Chapter Calendar for information about this program. For further information about the Book Club contact the committee chairperson, Susan H. Kahn, LCSW, BCD.
Susan Kahn LCSW-R, BCD [email protected]
Legislative Committee The Legislative Committee discusses legislative issues and works closely with the Society’s Legislative Committee to help implement the Society’s legislative agenda. The chairperson of the Legislative Committee is a member of the Society’s Legislative Committee, which organizes all of the Society’s legislative activities. For further information about the Legislative Committee or to volunteer to serve on this committee, you may contact the committee chairperson at NYSSCSW.org.
Membership Committee The Membership Committee works on attracting new members to the Society and to provide opportunities for networking among members of the Chapter. For further information about the Membership Committee or to volunteer to serve on this committee, you may contact the committee co-chairpersons.
Linda Feyder, LCSW [email protected]
Maxine Witherspoon [email protected]
Mentorship Group The "Mentorship Group" offers new social workers to the field working in agencies or searching a position an opportunity to network, build skills, and discuss clinical practice issues among peers with "guest" seasoned clinicians in a supportive and collaborative environment. After seasoned clinicians share their expertise in a short informal educational program, a process group discussion will follow in a safe, supportive environment. If you are a "seasoned clinician" passionate about your work, please contact the chairperson to support this effort.
This group is on pause and the Board is currently looking for a new Chair.
Public Relations Committee
Barbara Murphy, LCSW-R [email protected]
Program Committee The Program Committee develops, coordinates and implements the Chapter’s annual education programs, including bi-monthly educational workshops, the Chapter’s annual education conference and other educational activities. For further information about the Program Committee or to volunteer to serve on this committee, you may contact:
Eleanor Perlman, LCSW-R [email protected]
Nina Foley [email protected]
Valerie St Berard [email protected]
Scholarship Committee/Education Committee BSW and MSW Newest Scholars
Catherine Faith Kappenberg [email protected]
Website Committee The Website Committee makes sure that the Society’s website remains current and responsive to the needs of the Society. Each chapter has a chapter website coordinator who is a member of the Society’s Website Committee and is responsible to enter their chapter’s news and events onto their chapter’s web page on the Society website. If you have any chapter news to be placed on the Long Island Chapter web page or any chapter events to be placed on the Long Island Chapter Calendar on the Society website you may contact the chapter website coordinator.
Jannette Urciuoli, Ph.D., LCSW [email protected]